Elections and Events for a New Year
by Georgia Ball
January 31, 2005
The first order of business was the annual Cartoonists Northwest elections. Scott Alan was re-elected president, and he retained his former officers Scott Ball as vice-president and Liriel McMahon as Treasurer.
Upcoming club events began with an announcement of the summer camping trip. A date has been finalized for September 8-10 at Sequim Bay. To hold the site we need at least 20 commitments, but as many as 60 campers can be accommodated. If you would like to bring an RV, please contact Scott Ball.
Submissions are being taken for King Country Library System display cases. Space is offered to members first come-first served to promote the club. We're calling now for volunteers to set up displays at their local library. Contact Luke Martin for more information.
The 25th Annual Toonies Awards Banquet is almost here! Submissions for the Art Auction are being taken now and are due February 18th. Contact Scott Ball for details.
Emerald City Con is coming up fast! There will be a CNW Members table as there was last year and volunteers are needed to man the booth. To sell your items at the table contact Scott Alan - a %15 commission of all sales will go to CNW.
Contact: Georgia Ball
Georgia Ball is a freelance Flash designer and the script writer for the cartoon strip Scooter and Ferret.
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